Lightseed Academy

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Lightseed Academy

Lightseed Activation

Flow completely in 6 weeks

This is your opportunity to face and break through those old karma and barriers, so that you can continue to help others in their awakening process.

This requires an anchored connection with your heart, so that you can fully feel your power and put it down.

Read more below about the method I created for this.
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Book - Completely in your element

Nine Star Ki -
A manual to your true self

What if you had a manual in which you can read exactly who you are, what your qualities are and how you can strengthen them? And that helps you better understand the people around you?

As soon as I start talking to others about Nine Star Ki, they hang on my every word. Why? Because it is so unbelievably recognizable and explains who you are from the core!
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I am OKAY - meditation program

The method to awaken (deeper layers of) your consciousness

The 'I am OKAY' meditation program was created for determined people who want to become aware of new layers in their personal development at every level: physical, mental, emotional, intuitive and spiritual.

This will allow you to experience more power, clarity and positivity in your life!
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