I am OKAY - meditation program

I am OKAY meditation program

The method to awaken (deeper layers of) your consciousness

This is a small text area for the description of the project. Write a bit about the purpose, inspiration or success of the project here and let the images tell the rest of the story.

I regularly hear beautiful stories from people who are engaged in their personal development. How they understand themselves better and better and have been able to let go of old emotions and pains, making life easier. Often with a big smile on their face and enthusiasm in their voice.

Wow! That makes my heart beat faster.

And once you've tasted this, you naturally want more! Because no matter how you turn it, personal development is a lifelong process. If you have worked through a certain process on all layers, you will feel great. You have reached the end point. But this end point is immediately the starting point for a new development process.

And that's what makes life so interesting in my opinion! Under each layer is a new one to discover. Insights, feelings, thoughts and connections that you might never have thought possible some time ago. What you never suspected existed simply because you didn't know any better.

More and more I see the longing for this self-awareness awakening in the people around me. Because isn't it the case that you too would like to create a calm, positive and abundant life for yourself? A life where you can be 'just happy', because you can do exactly what your heart tells you to do? And how wonderful is it when you have discovered how you can listen to your feelings and have cleaned up everything that gets in the way?

The more aware you are of yourself, the more you can direct your own life in the direction you want. And no dream is too big for that. You 'just' have to believe in it.

Oof! That is quite difficult! Believe in something of which a) you may not know exactly what it is andb) have learned your whole life that it is impossible or at least has to work hard for it.

Convictions and insufficient self-love ensure that your wishes and desires are snowed under. And that is where self-awareness comes into play again.

Really knowing yourself means knowing what is going on with you, daring to feel when emotions present themselves, pausing to explore and loving yourself so much that you allow yourself the space to start living from your natural rhythm. As a result, doubts, fears and sadness increasingly fade into the background.

I am convinced that you carry everything within you to make your life a success and that life is a journey of discovery to rediscover your soul mission, talents and true potential.

Everyone carries a piece of the big puzzle with them andmyI am OKAY meditation program is perfect to accelerate this journey of discovery!

Meditation has been practiced in a variety of ways for centuries. It's a great way to connect with yourself, get into your 'own frequency'. Many have lost confidence in themselves, so that they look for safety outside of themselves and are thus continuously focused outward. Looking for confirmation, reassurance, love and security.
As I said, I am convinced that every person already carries this with them and only needs to tap into it. Meditation helps you step by step to look inside again and thus take yourself as a basis and look for attachment to your environment instead of dependence.

Because of this...

… You can bring relaxation back into your body. Delicious!

… You discover how to clear your mind, so that you stop constantly worrying, grinding and doubting

… You will feel better and better which choices really suit you and which choices you actually make for others

… You can fill your heart again with love for yourself and let your light shine more and more!

… You rebalance your emotions and create safety IN yourself

… You discover more and more how much wisdom you already carry with you

… You will experience freedom in your life. You no longer have to fight or break your head to understand life. Living from your heart is doing what makes you truly happy, because it makes sense

My name is Alexandra Anglès Isern. I purposefully help people discover who they really are, so that they can start living from their natural expertise and soul mission.
People who feel that they are ready for the next (big) step in their lives, but get stuck on the 'what am I still overlooking?'
No matter how long you've been cleaning up inside yourself, you always want more! For that it is necessary to become aware of your blind spots and that is 10 times faster if you have a good mirror, which takes you back to your core every time. And that is exactly where my expertise lies!

In my opinion, you can only achieve this by looking at yourself openly and honestly (present, past and future), using positivity as a basis in your life and really feeling all your emotions. When you understand how the laws of life work, then you become a conscious creator of your own life.

When I started meditating my life changed. I experience so much more peace in myself and therefore in everything around me.
Meditation has allowed me, at my own pace, to open doors within myself, because I finally took the time to discover the world within myself.

In addition, I feel and acknowledge my emotions, so that they pass more easily and I can find the positivity in myself again. And authentic positivity attracts positivity!

I am OKAY meditation program

The 'I am OKAY' meditation program was created for determined people who want to become aware of new layers in their personal development at every level: physical, mental, emotional, intuitive and spiritual. This will allow you to experience more power, clarity and positivity in your life!

You will receive a new meditation from me every week for 8 weeks. The meditations are structured in such a way that every week you go a layer deeper into your consciousness.
To achieve the best results, you should do the meditation 4 to 7 times a week. A very good excuse to make time for yourself!

Via an online community (no Facebook) you can share your experiences, insights, doubts and questions with me and others who follow or have followed this program. Do you have a question that you think is too personal for the group? Then know that you can always email me about this.

In addition, the meditations are supported by koshis, each with their own frequency, which provide even more energetic deepening. I will explain in detail below what this exactly means

After registration you will receive an extensive workbook in which you will receive a lot of information and tips with which you can start well prepared with meditation

Each guided meditation brings the energetic frequency of the person who is speaking to it. The higher the energy, the more connected you are with yourself.
What makes my program special is the combination of my frequency and that of the koshis, making it easier for you to increase your own energy

As a bonus, you can regularly participate in the free live meditations that will take place in the community. In this you meditate with me and the others. A wonderful way to connect and therefore a great addition to the basic program!

8 weekly meditations

Loving online community

Tap in to my energy frequency

free live meditations

Do you want to accelerate your awareness?
Then sign up for the I am OKAY meditation program
Now for € 185

I go for it!

Meditation 1 and 2

It is important for both beginners and experienced meditators to establish a foundation of relaxation.

Meditation 3 and 6

In meditation 3 and 6 the connection with your body is central.

Meditation 4 and 5

Our emotions are a great navigation system. They tell you exactly what you do and do not want in your life, which choice is the right one and where you are drawing the wrong conclusions about yourself.

Meditation 7 and 8

I believe 100% that each of us creates our own life.


Every meditation is supported by the sound of a Koshi (wind chime). Each of the 4 koshis has its own frequency, tuned to the elements earth, water, air and fire.

Experiences with the program

Do you want to accelerate your awareness?
Then sign up for the I am OKAY meditation program
Now for € 185

I go for it!

Dear you,

Some pieces in your development you do on your own, for other parts you need a puzzle piece from someone else.

How special it is that we have found each other and that I can walk with you for a part of your journey.

I am grateful!

Love Alexandra
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